scriptversion1_2 - Leon the professional
They are in a luxury restaurant.Léon pours some champagne. Mathilda is happy. They drink. Mathilda drinks everything in one gulp, lik
They are in a luxury restaurant.Léon pours some champagne. Mathilda is happy. They drink. Mathilda drinks everything in one gulp, lik
しR【しあある】[名](鉄道・電車)JRの別称。検索用語:JR、しRしぃ【しぃ】[名]元コテハンの「しー」がキャラ化したもの。段ボールの中に入ってる愛らしいキャラが人気。だっこキャラでもある。 ∧ ∧___ /(*゚ー゚) /\ /| ̄∪&cup
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